One of the key portfolios of LIMG is to provide consultancy and training services in the field of management based on the needs of organizations and individuals. These services are aiming at improv...
Advances in technology can bring greater convenience, efficiency and productivity in agriculture, businesses or any other field. Hence, identification, introduction and application of novel technol...
Understanding, interpreting and application of science for sustainable management of agricultural ecosystems aiming at nutritious and healthy food and environmental security is a challenging priori...
Understanding, interpreting and application of ecological science for adaptive management of natural and man-made ecosystems, including business environments, are imperative in a changing world. Fo...
Chronic physical and mental illness can contribute to reduce happiness and reduce performances. We study the complexity of science, human factors, resilience in healthcare, adopting evidence an...
Social development is becoming crucial in developing people productivity and human performance. This portfolio is aims at improving productivity of individuals and their quality of lives. Functions...