Understanding, interpreting and application of science for sustainable management of agricultural ecosystems aiming at nutritious and healthy food and environmental security is a challenging priority and a critical need in today’s world. This requires development of management strategies for entire value chain of crops and livestock through a well-informed decision making process with ready-access to resources, technology, management, investment, market and policies to enhance productivity, while safeguarding ecosystem services under changing and variable climate. The LIMG provides sound, science-based and sustainable solutions for agricultural production and value chain management through consultancy services.
- Crop and livestock enterprises and their value chain management
- Feed formulation for enhanced livestock production
- Climate-smart agricultural solutions
- Agricultural and food marketing development
- Agroforestrylforestry solutions for land productivity
- Management of agricultural ecosystem services
- Agricultural extension and insurance solutions
- Soil and water management
- Agricultural research and research management
- Agribusiness development and management
- Social enterprise development and management
- Sustainable agricultural production and profit, hence better agribusiness
- Client and agro ecology-oriented agricultural production systems
- Better market with existing potential and network
- Informed decision making on agricultural production through market intelligence
- Crop and livestock disease management
- Improved stakeholder relationships
- Optimum operations to maximize efficiency
- Better risk management